The Godrej 4 Drawer Fire Resisting Filing Cabinets 835 Depth with dual control key lock, have the unique distinction of having been successfully Tested & Certied by SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden as per NT 017-90P, 120P. specially designed furnace to almost 1850 F, dropping it from a height of 9 meters (30 feet) and subsequently heating it again in an inverted position to almost 1850 F. Even after the entire duration of the test, the paper records inside the drawers were found to be usable, demonstrating its superior fire and impact resisting capabilities.
* Robust drawer design & construction.
* Powder coated finish ensures an attractive finish coupled with superior scratch resistance.
* Comes with a 6-lever dual control key lock / dual control key + combination lock.
* Tested for 9 m drop test.